Welcome to our virtual study, Believing God in the In-Between — a five week study full of encouragement right from the promises of God found in the Bible. We will be taking a look at Sarah and Abraham, reading about and leaning into God’s promises to help get us through the waiting.
This study is for you to do at your own pace!
Download your free study booklet and join us at your leisure -we are all on different schedules these days. The study is light in homework and won’t consume a lot of your time, but it will lift you up and remind you how much God loves you!
Let’s Study!
- Download Believing God in the In-Between
- Follow us on Instagram and check out our IGTV series of devotional videos for this study
- You can also find our videos on our Salt+Clay YouTube Channel
- Get inspired with our Spotify playlist for this study!
Questions or comments? Feel free to comment on our Instagram videos or send us a DM!
— Your Sisters at Salt+Clay