The buzz of a busy life, especially during the holiday season can distract us enough that we can enter into a holding pattern without even knowing it, cycling through the same daily tasks and thought patterns again and again. Unexpected life events can bring uncertainty and dampen our vision for the future. During these times, we often need orientation, a focal point to steady our gaze. And then we need to set a course on how to get where we want to go.
Last week I shared the idea of creating a vision board, and it started with reflecting on the bigger picture. Asking yourself some specific questions that might help to calibrate your direction forward into this next year. Allowing yourself to ruminate on what could be and what should be in all aspects of your life.
The next step in the process is to create an image file, a kind of file of dreams, of possibilities. Giving yourself permission to dream again about new adventures, postponed pleasures, and simply what is beautiful to you. What images make you come alive? What words, phrases, or quotes stir up something down deep within you? When you articulate your vision with powerful imagery, you give yourself an invaluable gift-a code by which you make all the thousands of little decisions that build a life.
A vision doesn’t have to change the world to change your world. Living purposefully will give meaning to the mundane and empower you to tackle each and every day with conviction. Translating your vision into a tangible form can be a physical reminder-a mini manifestation of what you want to see happen in yourself and in your life. It’s also a promising way to ensure that you keep that vision before your eyes (literally)!
We can’t avoid the unexpected twists and turns life will bring in the months ahead, but we don’t have to drift aimlessly, reacting to circumstances as they come. We can give ourselves a fixed focal point-casting vison on where we want to go and then charting a course on how to get there. That can keep us moving in the right direction, setting a new trajectory for the year (and years) ahead.